We’ll help you get registered
and do everything you need to vote!
(In all fifty states!)
Why even
vote? 🇺🇸
There are so many reasons, but it really all comes down to… don’t let the future get f*cked.
Find out why. Nervous? 😱
Confused? 😲
Don’t worry, that’s why we’re here!
- Not sure if you’re registered? No problem! We’ll check if you’re registered to vote at your current home address.
- Don’t have time to vote in person? You can vote by mail instead—it’s even easier!
- We’ll show you where your nearest polling place is, and help you make a plan to get there.
- Want to have the biggest impact? Vote and then tell your friends how easy it is!
Spread the
word! 😍
The biggest impact you can have (after voting yourself!) is by getting your friends to vote too.
Spread the word! Check the
voting guide! 😉
We’ve built a handy guide to explain all the different parts of voting, so you’ll know exactly what to do.
in touch! 🎉
Join our mailing list and we‘ll keep you updated on product releases and other voting news.