Why is .NET reflection slow?
14 Dec 2016 - 3265 wordsIt’s common knowledge that reflection in .NET is slow, but why is that the case? This post aims to figure that out by looking at what reflection does under-the-hood.CLR Type...
View ArticleDomino's Pizza in the UK recommend changing password and checking bank statement
Dear Customer,This is an important announcement about your cyber security.As you may be aware, a growing number of websites have recently been compromised by breaches in their cyber security. In many...
View ArticleStroustrup's Rule and Layering Over Time in Rust
Programming language experts like to claim that syntax doesn't matter, that semantics is all that counts. Don't believe them! They're overrotating on a common, pre-rigorous misunderstanding of language...
View ArticleShow HN: Hire an Oldster
Jack GoldenbergBackgroundAs a Copywriter, Creative Director and marketer, I’ve spent my career disrupting industries and launching billion dollar products with innovative marketing concepts that opened...
View ArticleQualcomm Demos 48-Core Centriq 2400 Server SoC in Action, Begins Sampling
Qualcomm this month demonstrated its 48-core Centriq 2400 SoC in action and announced that it had started to sample its first server processor with select customers. The live showcase is an important...
View ArticleHow is NSA breaking so much crypto?
There have been rumors for years that the NSA can decrypt a significant fraction of encrypted Internet traffic. In 2012, James Bamford published an article quoting anonymous former NSA officials...
View ArticleNeural Song Style
README.mdTransferring the style from one song onto another using artificial intelligence.This is based on the implementation neural-style-audio by Dmitry and Vadim.Dependenciespython (tested with...
View ArticleSystems We Love (Presentation Videos)
HomeVideosRoger's :procRyan ZezeskiLife of an Airline Flight: What Systems Get You From Here to There via the AirAdam FletcherMan, 'splained: 40-Plus Years of Man Page HistoryBreanne BolandPersistent...
View ArticleYou Had Them at ‘Jerry Maguire’: This Art Exhibit Stocks Just One Movie
PhotoA Los Angeles-based art collective has gathered thousands of copies of “Jerry Maguire” on VHS for an exhibit next month.Credit Jim Newberry A Los Angeles art gallery will play host early next year...
View ArticleWas Anne Frank’s family betrayed? After 72 years, historians have a new theory
For two years, Anne Frank's family hid in secret rooms in Amsterdam, knowing that a curtain left open by mistake, a wayward noise or a nervous conspirator's phone call to the Nazis could land them all...
View ArticleMost of Greenland Melted in the Recent Past, Study Finds
Fjord filled with melting sea ice and icebergs in East Greenland in June. Image: Paul BiermanThe Greenland ice sheet contains enough water to raise global sea levels 24 feet should it all melt. And a...
View ArticleManagement theory is becoming a compendium of dead ideas
NEXT year marks the 500th anniversary of the event which, more than any other, gave birth to the modern world: Martin Luther promulgated his 95 theses and called the Catholic church to account for its...
View ArticleNo Proton Decay Means Grand Unification Must Wait
For 20 years, physicists in Japan have monitored a 13-story-tall tank of pure water cloistered deep inside an abandoned zinc mine, hoping to see protons in the water spontaneously fall apart. In the...
View ArticleHow Albuquerque helped its homeless population and saved money in the process
ALBUQUERQUE—Under a cloudless desert sky, David Kelhoyoma, a Marine veteran who help liberate Kuwait City during the first Gulf War, roamed the top of a city landfill, stuffing stray bits of plastic...
View ArticleCitus' Replication Model: Today and Tomorrow
Citus is a distributed database that extends (not forks) PostgreSQL. Citus does this by transparently sharding database tables across the cluster and replicating those shards.After open sourcing Citus,...
View ArticleLearn browser automation from scratch
Why?Browser tests are super useful, but they’re famous for having hard to debug, unreliable failures.This reputation is largely the result of developers learning high-level frameworks without...
View ArticleHaiku booting in UEFI mode
As some may have noticed, my UEFI branch got merged in November, purely by accident too! However, until now, we still haven't been able to boot to the desktop. Whilst still in development, the addition...
View ArticleIntel X86 Encoder Decoder
Intel XED The X86 Encoder Decoder (XED), is a software library (and associated headers) for encoding and decoding X86 (IA32 and Intel64) instructions. The decoder takes sequences of 1-15 bytes along...
View ArticleFinland will hand out cash to 2000 jobless people to test universal basic income
OULU, Finland — No one would confuse this frigid corner of northern Finland with Silicon Valley. Notched in low pine forests just 100 miles below the Arctic Circle, Oulu seems more likely to achieve...
View ArticleHenry Heimlich has died
Dr. Henry Heimlich has died in Ohio at age 96. He's seen here in 2014, holding a copy of his memoir at his home in Cincinnati. Al Behrman/APhide captiontoggle caption Al Behrman/APHe's credited with...
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