This paper focuses on scrypt, a simple candidate MHF designed by Percival, and described in RFC 7914. It has been used within a number of cryptocurrencies (e.g., Litecoin and Dogecoin) and has been an inspiration for Argon2d, one of the winners of the recent password-hashing competition. Despite its popularity, no rigorous lower bounds on its memory complexity are known.
We prove that scrypt is optimally memory hard, i.e., its cumulative memory complexity (cmc) in the parallel random oracle model is $\Omega(n^2 w)$, where $w$ and $n$ are the output length and number of invocations of the underlying hash function, respectively. High cmc is a strong security target for MHFs introduced by Alwen and Serbinenko (STOC '15) which implies high memory cost even for adversaries who can amortise the cost over many evaluations and evaluate the underlying hash functions many times in parallel. Our proof is the first showing optimal memory hardness for any MHF.
Our result improves both quantitatively and qualitatively upon the recent work by Alwen et al. (EUROCRYPT '16) who proved a weaker lower bound of $\Omega(n^2 w /\log^2 n)$ for a restricted class of adversaries.
Category / Keywords: scrypt, memory-hard functions, password hashingDate: received 12 Oct 2016, last revised 12 Oct 2016Contact author: reyzin at cs bu eduAvailable format(s): PDF | BibTeX CitationVersion: 20161017:193106 (All versions of this report)Short URL: forum: Show discussion | Start new discussion[ Cryptology ePrint archive ]