> "Finally, an honorable mention to three papers that don't qualify, but which I think you should read anyway." If we're going for papers, then I'm guessing books are allowed too. If so, for anyone interested in giving themselves a grounding in the fundamentals, it's worth checking out Code by Charles Petzold. I've been going through it, it's excellently written, and has helped me fill in gaps in my understanding of how computers work. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Code-Language-Computer-Hardware-Sof... |
I see a couple of Bret Victor videos here, but the one I loved the most was "The Future of Programming":https://vimeo.com/71278954 Really set me on a path of re-examining older ideas (and research papers), for applications that are much more contemporary. Absolute stunner of a talk (and the whole 70's gag was really great). "What would be really sad is if in 40 years we were still writing code in procedures in text files" :( |
Gary McGraw: Cyber War, Cyber Peace, Stones, and Glass Houses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCULzMa7iqs I like how this talk cuts through a lot of the BS in security. One of his points is that the US and other rich Western countries have a lot more to lose from a possible "cyber war" than our potential adversaries do. Another key point is that we'll never make much progress unless we can somehow start building better systems in the first place, with fewer vulnerabilities for an adversary to exploit. I think the second point has become a lot more widely accepted in recent years since McGraw started giving this talk. Unfortunately it sounds like a lot of government folks still haven't got the memo on point #1. |
Lexical Scanning in Go by Rob Pike https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HxaD_trXwRE I love everything about this talk. It walks you through building a lexer from scratch in a simple and elegant way, through a very interesting use of coroutines. I appreciate the bits of humor in the talk as well. |
Mike Bostock's talk on visualizing algorithms is one of my favorites: https://vimeo.com/112319901 > Visualizing Algorithms – A look at the use of visualization and animation to understand, explain and debug algorithms. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9ITLdmfdLI This was the first time I watched pg give a talk. It was the talk that brought about the biggest change in the way I think about the world, my ambitions. The talk was the beginning, reading more about pg, I came across his essays and then HN. |
Doing with Images Makes Symbols, Alan Kay.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2LZLYcu_JY The title says it all. It's really a summary of several software systems with good ideas abound. I believe all the software is 80s or prior. Edit: I also forgot to mention some psychology and math. |
For reasons completely unrelated to the content, Identity 2.0: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrpajcAgR1E Watching that talk brought me over to the "a picture or a few words per slide" style of presentation, rather than the "wall of bullet points" style. It also helped me move from "stop talking, change slides, start talking again", to smooth transitions while talking. |
> But reading and deep understanding aren't that correlated, so speed is secondary to me With a book, it's easy to speed up and slow down as needs be. |
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoDSv5KpEJk InfoSec talk. Best lines from talk.. "Basic lessons are not learned such as know thy network" "You have to learn your network, you have to have skin in the game" "Defense is hard, breaking stuff is easy" "If you serve the God's of compliance you will fail" "Compliance is not security" "Perfect solution fallacy" "People are falling over themselves not to change, shooting great ideas down." "Perfect attacker fallacy, they don't exist, they are a myth!" "Attackers are not that good because they don't need to be that good." Speaker is Eric Conrad |
James Mickens at Monitorama: https://vimeo.com/95066828 Aside from the comedic aspect (which makes the talk incredible), Mickens is a genuinely brilliant thinker and has a marvelous way with words. |
One in particular comes to mind that really changed the way I think about the larger problem of security in computer science and what a mess our current state of affairs seems to be in: "The Science of Insecurity" by Meredith L. Patterson and Sergey Gordeychik (2011) https://media.ccc.de/v/28c3-4763-en-the_science_of_insecurit... Warning: speaker likes to use profanity (which I enjoy :) but possibly NSFW if you're not on headphones |
> I do not recall in which of his talks he defines "complexity" that'd be "Simple Made Easy" |
Never went to it as a student (it was only 3 hours away, how did I miss this?) but lots of my friends did, one even ran the thing for a year I think.