Tired of $ sleep 4231; beep
? This is a very simple solution to help with short-term time management. The beep sound uses the motherboard audio, so it works even if your speakers are muted, but not if you muted the PC speakers
- No dependencies other than Python itself
💫 - Install with
or just copy the binary somewhere in$PATH
✨ - Python2 and Python3 compatible
🌟 - Around 100 LOC
💥 - Runs on Linux, OS X, Windows, and maybe more
$ pip install ding-ding
was taken)
Alternatively, download the file and run it however you please.
$ ./ in 1s
- You want to start work after browsing the news for a bit, but you don't want to get carried away and do no work. Set a timer for 15 minutes:
$ ding in 15m
- You need to leave at 17:00 and you want to have time to get ready:
$ ding at 16:45
$ alias pomo="ding in 25m"
$ pomo
Example usage:
# Relative time
$ ding in 2m
$ ding in 2h 15m
$ ding in 2m 15s
# Absolute time
$ ding at 12
$ ding at 17:30
$ ding at 17:30:21