Focuson is an experimental tool to find security bugs in flask-based python web applications. It will emit a list of places for a security engineer to investigate with a reasonable signal to noise ratio on account of using dataflow analysis.
It will require manual effort to find bugs in your environment but has been used to regularly find bugs by the Uber product security team in its current state.
It uses dataflow analysis to model security flaws like xss as instances of a source (user input) flowing to a sink (dangerous function).
While mostly useful primarily for flask + jinja apps it can be extended to include other frameworks. Focuson will be most useful not as a tool to be run once but a framework upon which to build your own set of security rules applicable to your codebase.
Uber now uses focuson to automatically to surface probable security issues to the security team or, given high confidence, back to the engineer that wrote the issue.
Focuson was started as an experiment to find XSS in flask + jinja web applications at Uber. It ended up being useful so we have extended it a bit over time but it is still very raw.
Focuson is a path-insensitive, inter-functional dataflow analysis engine.
Path-insensitive = ignores the control flow (if/then/else/etc) inter-functional = "tracks" variables across functions, not just within dataflow analysis = "follows" variables through assignments, function calls,etc
Focuson works by parsing the program into an abstract syntax tree, constructing call and dataflow graphs then traversing them. This all ultimately rests on being able to predict ahead of time how the program runs, which we know is undecidable so focuson, and any program analysis tool, is best considered a collection of approximations to mine insight into how the program will execute.
The expectation is focuson will show you areas a security engineer should investigate more deeply with a good signal to noise ration
Focuson runs quickly, in testing taking ~15 sec for 100kb of python.
- cd focuson
- virtualenv venv
- source venv/bin/activate
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python
- source venv/bin/activate
- python
The output from focuson isn't exactly intuitive but follows the format of
$variablename -> [optional number of functions] -> sink-y area of code
$variablename is straightforward
The middle part is meant to show all the functions through which the tainted variable passes en route to the sink.
The final section is the part of the code where the chain of taintedness ends.
Example: mobileapp::fourth This means in, in the function fourth() exists a sink that focuson believes constitutes a vulnerability.
For many more examples of output see the test directory and print out the variables being asserted.
Worlds simplest RCE in python:
More complex
foo = request.args.get("foo")
More complex
foo = request.args.get("foo")
bar = foo
Yet more complex:
def func1(arg1):
foo = request.args.get("foo")
bar = foo
A good sized example is to run
python tests/simple_4_hop/
$android_deep_link -> ['first_layer', 'second', 'third', 'fourth'] to second() in mobile_app::fourth
The output here designates that the variable $android_deep_link is user-controlled and flows through those 4 functions on its path to the function second() which contains a vulnerable sink that absorbs what began as $android_deep_link which constitutes a potential vulnerability.
How to make focuson useful
Focuson is customized for Uber's codebase.
To make it useful you will need to identify a relevant set of sources and sinks for your codebase. Some of these are globally true and already built-in, like eval() as a sink for RCE.
If you dont use flask you will need to determine how to model what user-controlled input looks like for your codebase and add it as a source
You will need to do the same for sinks.
Lots of additional good work to be done.
- Adding additional sources and sinks
- Refactoring sink() idea to generalized rule()
- Make output less cryptic
- Add support for web frameworks beyond flask