Nvidia updates its top-of-the-line Titan graphics card yearly, so it’s only natural the Titan Xp got announced Thursday. The Titan Xp’s new specs include 12GB of GDDR5X memory running at 11.4 Gbps (!), an army of 3,840 CUDA cores running at 1.6GHz and 12 TFLOPs (that’s twelve trillion floating-point operations per second) of brute processing power.
A GPU like this will be the crown jewel of any Windows machine, but Nvidia hasn’t forgotten about macOS users. Mac beta drivers are being offered for the first time — later this month— which if you think about it is a good precursor to Apple prepping a new Mac Pro with support for new and upcoming high performance GPUs. It’s also suitable for anyone who needs the power in an older-generation Mac Pro (before the black trashcan design) and can’t wait until next year for the Pro redesign.
It’s an absurd amount of graphics power with the price to match: $1,200, available from Nvidia directly.
For reference, Titan graphics cards are usually based off the same processing architecture — currently codenamed Pascal — but feature upgraded clock speeds and more shaders for better performance and visuals.