This weekend I started soldering discrete components together like a man possessed and this is what came of it.
There are four switchable modes of play:
1) Machine against machine
2) Player 1 against machine
3) Player 2 against machine
3) Player 1 against player 2
Player one controls the paddle on the left and player 2 the paddle in the right. The hand controllers are just zippy boxes each with a pot and knob, though the player 1 controller sports a "serve ball" momentary push-button. A match/game starts on the pressing of this button.
In the attached video (mode 2) I am playing against the machine, which is controlling the paddle on the right. The velocity of the ball begins at a slow and easy rate but in order to ensure a match cannot last forever, from the start of play the ball velocity linearly ramps up. It will continue for as long as the player(s) can keep up with it.
If either player misses the ball the match ends with a 150 Hz bzzztttt and the ball is automatically returned to the center of the court where it remains stationary until player one presses the "serve ball" button to commence a new match.
The sound in the youtube video is a bit quiet and you have to crank the volume up a bit to hear all of the sound effects.