How to write Common Lisp in 2017 -
an initiation manual for the uninitiated
One of the key problems in onboarding developers to use modern Common Lisp is the vertical wall of difficulty. Things that are routinely problematic:
- emacs use. Most people don’t use emacs.
- Library creation. Putting together ASDF libraries and using them is a fairly horrid experience the first time.
- Selection of Lisp implementation to use, along with an up-to-date discussion of pros and cons.
- Putting together serious projects is not commonly discussed.
This site is dedicated to handling these problems. My goal is to put together an introduction/tutorial for practicing professionals and hobbyists from other languages. People who want to get started with Lisp beyond just typing into a REPL. Right now, it feels like this information is less disseminated and much less centralized than it otherwise might be. It’s not intended to be a HOWTO for Common Lisp. That’s been covered quite well. But it is intended to be a HOWTO on how to put together a Lisp environment.
Anyway, I’d like to collaborate with other people to make this a remarkably fine Lisp help site. Contributions are both accepted and welcome. It’s a wholly static site at this point in time - I don’t see a need for to have a dynamic backend. Perhaps/probably one of the code examples will be a webapp.
Happy Hacking,
Paul Nathan
P.S.: feel free to contact me for anything you like.