Operation symbolsType | See |
+ | `+` |
- | `-` |
* | `*` |
** | `**` |
*** | `***` |
// | `//` |
\\ | `\\` |
xx | `xx` |
-: | `-:` |
@ | `@` |
o+ | `o+` |
ox | `ox` |
o. | `o.` |
sum | `sum` |
prod | `prod` |
^^ | `^^` |
^^^ | `^^^` |
vv | `vv` |
vvv | `vvv` |
nn | `nn` |
nnn | `nnn` |
uu | `uu` |
uuu | `uuu` |
Miscellaneous symbolsType | See |
int | `int` |
oint | `oint` |
del | `del` |
grad | `grad` |
+- | `+-` |
O/ | `O/` |
oo | `oo` |
aleph | `aleph` |
/_ | `/_` |
:. | `:.` |
|...| | `|...|` |
|cdots| | `|cdots|` |
vdots | `vdots` |
ddots | `ddots` |
|\ | | `|\ |` |
|quad| | `|quad|` |
diamond | `diamond` |
square | `square` |
|__ | `|__` |
__| | `__|` |
|~ | `|~` |
~| | `~|` |
CC | `CC` |
NN | `NN` |
QQ | `QQ` |
RR | `RR` |
ZZ | `ZZ` |
Relation symbolsType | See |
= | `=` |
!= | `!=` |
< | `<` |
> | `>` |
<= | `<=` |
>= | `>=` |
-< | `-<` |
>- | `>-` |
in | `in` |
!in | `!in` |
sub | `sub` |
sup | `sup` |
sube | `sube` |
supe | `supe` |
-= | `-=` |
~= | `~=` |
~~ | `~~` |
prop | `prop` |
Greek LettersType | See | Type | See |
alpha | `alpha` |
beta | `beta` |
chi | `chi` |
delta | `delta` | Delta | `Delta` |
epsilon | `epsilon` |
varepsilon | `varepsilon` |
eta | `eta` |
gamma | `gamma` | Gamma | `Gamma` |
iota | `iota` |
kappa | `kappa` |
lambda | `lambda` | Lambda | `Lambda` |
mu | `mu` |
nu | `nu` |
omega | `omega` | Omega | `Omega` |
phi | `phi` | Phi | `Phi` |
varphi | `varphi` |
pi | `pi` | Pi | `Pi` |
psi | `psi` | Psi | `Psi` |
rho | `rho` |
sigma | `sigma` | Sigma | `Sigma` |
tau | `tau` |
theta | `theta` | Theta | `Theta` |
vartheta | `vartheta` |
upsilon | `upsilon` |
xi | `xi` | Xi | `Xi` |
zeta | `zeta` |
Logical symbolsType | See |
and | `and` |
or | `or` |
not | `not` |
=> | `=>` |
if | `if` |
iff | `iff` |
AA | `AA` |
EE | `EE` |
_|_ | `_|_` |
TT | `TT` |
|-- | `|--` |
|== | `|==` |
Grouping bracketsType | See |
( | `(` |
) | `)` |
[ | `[` |
] | `]` |
{ | `{` |
} | `}` |
(: | `(:` |
:) | `:)` |
{: | `{:` |
:} | `:}` |
ArrowsType | See |
uarr | `uarr` |
darr | `darr` |
rarr | `rarr` |
-> | `->` |
|-> | `|->` |
larr | `larr` |
harr | `harr` |
rArr | `rArr` |
lArr | `lArr` |
hArr | `hArr` |
AccentsType | See |
hat x | `hat x` |
bar x | `bar x` |
ul x | `ul x` |
vec x | `vec x` |
dot x | `dot x` |
ddot x | `ddot x` |
Font commandsType | See |
bb "AaBbCc" | `bb "AaBbCc"` |
bbb "AaBbCc" | `bbb "AaBbCc"` |
cc "AaBbCc" | `cc "AaBbCc"` |
tt "AaBbCc" | `tt "AaBbCc"` |
fr "AaBbCc" | `fr "AaBbCc"` |
sf "AaBbCc" | `sf "AaBbCc"` |
Special Cases
Matrices: [[a,b],[c,d]]
yields to `[[a,b],[c,d]]`
Column vectors: ((a,b),(c,d))
yields to `((a,b),(c,d))`
Complex subscripts: lim_(x->oo)
yields to `lim_(x->oo)`
Subscripts must come before superscripts:int_0^1 f(x)dx
yields to `int_0^1 f(x)dx`
Attention: Always try to surround the >
characters with spaces so that the html parser does not
confuse it with an opening or closing tag!
Standard Functions
sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot, sinh, cosh,
tanh, log, ln, det, dim, lim, mod, gcd, lcm, min, max
The Grammar
Here is a definition of the grammar used to parse AsciiMath expressions.
In the Backus-Naur form given below, the letter on the left of the::=
represents a category of symbols that could be one
of the possible sequences of symbols listed on the right.
The vertical bar |
separates the alternatives.
c ::= [A-z] | numbers | greek letters | other constant symbols (see below)
u ::= 'sqrt' | 'text' | 'bb' | other unary symbols for font commands
b ::= 'frac' | 'root' | 'stackrel' binary symbols
l ::= ( | [ | { | (: | {: left brackets
r ::= ) | ] | } | :) | :} right brackets
S ::= c | lEr | uS | bSS | "any" simple expression
E ::= SE | S/S | S_S | S^S | S_S^S expression (fraction, sub-, super-, subsuperscript)