1 month after launch
February 13, 2017
Visitors: 1921
Subscribers: 641
Revenue: $85.00
Connections made: 11/29
Whats coming: 2 new products in the works for you guys; one paid, one free.
1921 people visited.
This was a great week for traffic. I mentioned Opps Daily in
this thread
and enjoyed a wave of visits and signups all week.
641 subscribers.
Almost 300 signups this week. Just incredible. The flow of daily requests to my inbox has also increased which has brought new challenges in terms of getting to everyone's email in a timely fashion. Time to get organized...
Last week several of you had great ideas for several things you'd like to see in the future, as well as things that need to be improved right now.
This week lets continue that trend. I'd love to hear about what you're looking for in the future of Opps Daily. That's right, I'm letting you guys steer the ship. Drop me a line!
$85.00 in Revenue!
Three amazing readers have sent me payments in exchange for a successful connection with a submitter. I'm continuing with a "pay what you want" model for the time being. Thank you so much for the support. :D
11/29 connections made
So far I've been able to connect about 30% of you with the originators of these opportunities. To those who weren't able to connect, don't get discouraged, just email me about the next one you like. :)
If any of the ideas in the daily email intrigue you, Drop me a line and I'll do my best to connect you!
What's Coming
So, my current focus is on building out a vault for all of you folks who want to see all the opportunities in a particular industry, or felt that the e-mail model wasn't working for you. So far I've built out an admin panel for myself and am essentially working on the guts of the application. Next comes a UI that makes sense. I'll share some screenshots when that is ready.
I'm still unsure how to price this, so if you have an idea of what you'd like to pay, please email me!
Thanks for reading! Are you trying to find the right idea to work on? Looking for some inspiration? We ask people about the problems they face at work, and the software that could solve those problems. Then, we send you their answers. Every. Day.
If you'd like to help us get to 700 subscribers,
sign up below! :)
The Third Week
February 6, 2017
Visitors: 1217
Subscribers: 366
Revenue: $25.00
Connections made: 3/6
Product Hunt Launch 1
Whats coming: 2 new products in the works for you guys; one paid, one free.
1217 people visited.
We had a solid week, traffic-wise. While there weren't any huge booms in traffic, it was slow and steady. Last week's post on hacker news brought some traffic early in the week. A mid-week, strategically placed comment in one of the top hacker news threads was also effective. Finally I tried to launch on product hunt yesterday. It went...okay. That's the small hill at the end of the graph.
366 subscribers.
My favorite stat to watch. We had more than 100 signups over the course of the week.
Last week several of you wrote in and told me about what you'd do with the first million from your Opps Daily idea. Many of you had ideas that were truly generous and moving.
This week I'd love to hear about what you're looking for in the future of Opps Daily. That's right, I'm letting you guys steer the ship. Drop me a line!
$25.00 in Revenue!
As several of you know, if I'm able to connect you with the person behind an idea, I'll throw a "pay what you want" link at the end of the e-mail. Well we had our first paying customer! Thank you so much for the support. A goal for this month was to make our first dollar and thanks to one amazing soul, we made our first $25. :D
3/6 connections made
So far I've been able to connect about 50% of you with the people behind these daily ideas. I'm looking forward to seeing the results! If any of the ideas in the daily email intrigue you,
Drop me a line
and I'll do my best to connect you!
What's Coming
So, after listening to your feedback and thinking deeply about what Opps Daily community can be, I've decided to develop two products for you:
The first is a paid product. Essentially it'll be a vault of all the opportunities I've collected so far (several hundred, and growing rapidly). I'm not sure how to price it, so if you have any input on what you'd like this to be or, what you'd like to pay, please email me! The reason I'm going to work on the paid product first is so that I can finance the collection of opportunities at scale, cover my own costs, and comfortably work on the second product without focusing on monetization. Also, I think it will be easier and faster to build from a technical perspective.
The second product, which I am super excited about, will be an open community for people to share opportunities and collaborate on them together. The big vision is to have a list of opportunities, and then have all the tools in place to inspire, connect, and begin working on something great. Stay tuned for more on this in another blog post.
Thanks for reading! Are you trying to find the right idea to work on? Looking for some inspiration? We ask people about the problems they face at work, and the software that could solve those problems. Then, we send you their answers. Every. Day.
If you'd like to help us get to 400 subscribers,
sign up below! :)
The Second Week
January 30, 2017
Visitors: 744
Subscribers: 252
Unsubscribers: 5
Heartfelt responses from subscribers: 3
Mentions in the Versioning newsletter: 1
Connections made: 1
Plans for the future: SO MANY! (Read on below for some hints about what's next for Opps Daily)
744 people visited.
Not too shabby! That big spike in traffic on the 24th? That's thanks to our friends at
We got shared in their newsletter. I signed up just to be polite when they said they would mention Opps Daily. Now I'm addicted. Be sure to check them out. That spike at the end of the graph? That's a nice little bump from hacker news.
252 subscribers.
Incredible. It's a pleasure to craft an e-mail for all of you, every morning.
Last week several of you wrote in and told me about your life ambitions, favorite tech stacks, and weird stuff your cat does!
This week I'd love to hear about what you'll do with your first million from your Opps Daily idea, your favorite app, or the weirdest food you've eaten!
drop me a line!
5 unsubscribers
While always a bummer to see people go, each unsubscribe is an opportunity to find out how to improve Opps Daily! I'll let you know what I find out!
3 heartfelt responses
Several people wrote in this week with constructive criticism and praise. This is the fuel that keeps me going!
"I love getting these emails, keep up the great work."
"I just wanted to say that I really like OppsDaily - it's such a great resource for problems that needs solving."
"It’s one of the emails I look forward to receiving every day since I signed up."
1 connections made
Opps Daily connected its first developer with submitter! We have one other connection in progress. I can't wait to hear back about the result! If any of the ideas in the daily email intrigue you,
Drop me a line
and I'll do my best to connect you!
So many plans for the future!
Many of you reached out to me with suggestions for how we can make Opps Daily better. First of all, a huge thank you to everybody who took the time to e-mail. You didn't have to, and your input makes this community better.
Some of the most common requests were:
A way to connect with the poster of an opportunity.
A way to share existing solutions.
A way to collaborate with other members of the community on these problems.
This week I'm going to start working to accomodate those requests. Stay tuned, and please keep the feedback coming :D
Thanks for reading! Are you trying to find the right idea to work on? Looking for some inspiration? We ask people about the problems they face at work, and the software that could solve those problems. Then, we send you their answers. Every. Day.
If you want to help us get to 300 subscribers,
sign up below! :)
The first week
January 23, 2017
Visitors: 388
Subscribers: 112
(I found out why! - see below)
Possible future collaborators: 2
Campaigns sent: 6
Heartfelt responses from subscribers: 1
Mentions in the indiehackers weekly newsletter: 1
Retweets by indiehackers: 1
388 people visited.
Incredible. Its like we launched on a time delay. Most of that traffic came from the indiehackers newsletter. Opps Daily could not have launched on a better platform.
112 subscribers.
This is so humbling and amazing. 112 of you wonderful folks subscribed. I am incredibly grateful!
I'd love to hear from you by the way, seriously, tell me about your life ambitions, your favorite tech stack, or something weird your cat does - drop me a line!
(still waiting for this graph to update)
1 unsubscriber
At first I was really bummed to hear we had our first unsubscriber. But, after some investigation, it was revealed that they left because they were launching a new venture and couldn't invest any time in new ideas. I can't think of a better reason for leaving! Best of luck in your new venture! :D
2 people interested in collaborating
It seems like there are 2 people interested in collaborating with opps daily. Super excited to find out more and I'll keep you posted of any relevant results.
6 campaigns sent
The campaigns are rolling out. You voracious readers are opening emails at an almost 35% higher rate than the industry average, and clicking at almost 4% higher.
1 heartfelt response
I got this in response to one of our morning campaigns and found it really touching. I just had to share this:
I might frame this. Seriously.
1 mentions in the indiehackers newsletter
Opps Daily got mentioned on the indie hackers newsletter and it shot our traffic through the roof.
All of a sudden subscriber notifications started rolling into my inbox. Leading to the taking of a screenshot and a tweet,
which then led to this....
1 retweet by indiehackers
Indie Hackers retweeted us! All of a sudden I was getting follower notifications as well. This was an incredible day. I'm still cleaning out my inbox from all the sign ups and follows.
Thanks for reading! Are you trying to find the right idea to work on? Looking for some inspiration? We ask people about the problems they face at work, and the software that could solve those problems. Then, we send you their answers. Every. Day.
If you want to help us get to 200 subscribers,
sign up below! :)
The launch went okay
January 17, 2017
tl:dr - 91 uniqes - 19 sign ups
I shared the project on Indie Hackers, Hacker News, and Reddit. and in the solo founder slack channel mentioned in this thread.
These are my favorite places on the internet so it felt natural to share what I've been working on there. Particular credit goes out to the solo founder slack channel, as those guys are super helpful and awesome!
Indie Hackers garnered 110 views and 10 comments (on the indiehacker thread). According to google analytics this turned into 19 visits and 2 confirmed signups, but I suspect several more of those visits converted. This was in my opinion the best response.
Hacker News provided 20 visits to the site. The post got buried in show hn though. This might have been because I sent people to upvote the link directly. Unbeknownst to me, this was a no-no.
Reddit brought one person to the site, but I wasn't expecting much from the giant "share your startup" thread.
Slack provided 5-6 signups, and also constant feedback on the landing page while I was first designing it.
Sign ups
So far the list has grown to 19 people!
Thanks for reading. We ask people about the problems they face at work, and the software that could solve those problems. Then, we send you their answers. Every. Day.
If you want to help us get to 20 subscribers,
sign up below! :)
EDIT We broke through 20! :D