posted Jan 31th 2017, 10:10 am
I've been craving for a trivial, embedded scripting language that feels just right for a long, long time; something I can quickly drop into any project that needs scripting without too much ceremony. I'm aware of Lua & co., but that's still not the kind of trivial I'm aiming for. And since I'm mostly slinging Lisp these days, it should be possible to leverage some of it's powers for a tighter integration.
If you have no idea what Forth is; a first step is to think of it as Reverse Polish Notation for code, the kind of code Yoda would write. Like Lisp, Forth is more idea than implementation; arguably even more so than Lisp because of it's simplicity. While widely popular in embedded hardware circles, it's unfortunately mostly forgotten outside of that niche. Unfortunate because it's one of the most trivial languages to implement, and a solid foundation for embedded and/or domain specific languages.
There's a saying in Forth circles; that if you've seen one Forth compiler, you've seen one Forth compiler. Besides being based on stacks and words, Lifoo is very much Lisp in Forth clothes; to the point where it reuses the Lisp reader to read Lifoo code. Lifoo comes with a macro called do-lifoo to simplify executing code inline; separate functions for parsing, evaluating and compiling expressions are also provided.
(defmacro lifoo-asseq (res &body body)
"Asserts that evaluating BODY pushes value equal to RES
according to COMPARE"
`(asseq ,res (do-lifoo () ,@body)))
(define-test (:lifoo :meta)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq t
nil nil?)
(lifoo-asseq :lifoo
"lifoo" symbol)
(lifoo-asseq 3
1 2 "+" word eval)
(lifoo-asseq '(1 2 +)
(1 2 +))
(lifoo-asseq 3
(1 2 +) eval)
(lifoo-asseq 3
(1 2 +) compile eval)
(lifoo-asseq 42
42 (lifoo-pop) lisp eval)
(assert (eq
(handler-case (do-lifoo ()
:any-message error)
(lifoo-error (e)
(assert (eq :any-message (lifoo-error e)))
(assert (eq
(handler-case (do-lifoo ()
(1 2 =) assert)
(lifoo-error () :failed))))))
(define-test (:lifoo :stack)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq '(3 2 1)
1 2 3 stack)
;; Make sure that stack is left intact
(assert (equal '(3 2 1) (lifoo-stack)))
(lifoo-asseq 1
1 dup drop)
(lifoo-asseq 2
1 2 swap drop)))
(define-test (:lifoo :flow)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq :ok
:ok (2 1 <) when)
(lifoo-asseq :ok
:ok (1 2 =) unless)
(lifoo-asseq 3
0 (inc dup 3 >) while drop)
(lifoo-asseq '(2 1 0)
list (push) 3 times)))
(define-test (:lifoo :strings)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq "123ABC"
(1 2 3 abc) string)
(lifoo-asseq "1+2=3"
"~a+~a=~a" (1 2 3) format)))
(define-test (:lifoo :lists)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq '(2 . 1)
1 2 cons)
(lifoo-asseq '(1 . 2)
(1 . 2))
(lifoo-asseq '(1 2 3)
1 2 3 list)
(lifoo-asseq 2
(1 2 3) rest first)
(lifoo-asseq 2
(1 2 3) pop drop pop)
(lifoo-asseq '(1 2 3)
(1) 2 push 3 push reverse)
(lifoo-asseq '(2 4 6)
(1 2 3) (2 *) map)))
(define-test (:lifoo :comparisons)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq t
"abc" "abc" eq?)
(lifoo-asseq nil
"abc" "abcd" eq?)
(lifoo-asseq t
"abc" "abcd" neq?)
(lifoo-asseq t
"abc" "def" lt?)
(lifoo-asseq nil
"abc" "def" gt?)))
(define-test (:lifoo :env)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq 42
:foo 42 set drop :foo get)
(lifoo-asseq '((:bar . 7) (:foo . 42))
:foo 42 set :bar 7 set env)
(lifoo-asseq '(nil . 42)
:foo dup 42 set drop dup rem swap get cons)))
(define-test (:lifoo :io)
(assert (string= (format nil "hello lifoo!~%")
(with-output-to-string (out)
(let ((*standard-output* out))
(do-lifoo ()
"hello lifoo!" print ln))))))
(define-test (:lifoo :threads)
(with-lifoo ()
(lifoo-asseq 42
1 chan 42 chan-put chan-get)
(lifoo-asseq '(:done . 3)
0 chan (1 2 + chan-put :done) thread swap
chan-get swap drop swap
join-thread cons)))
Forth likes to call functions words, and Lifoo keeps with that tradition. Lifoo comes with a modest but growing, modular set of built-in words. Words can be defined in either Lisp or Lifoo, and the goal is to gradually migrate as much functionality as possible to pure Lifoo. Besides macros; functions for defining, looking up and un-defining words are also provided.
(defmacro define-lifoo-init (name &body body)
"Defines NAME-init around BODY with exec"
`(defun ,(symbol! 'lifoo- name) (&key (exec *lifoo*))
(with-lifoo (:exec exec) ,@body)
(define-lifoo-init init-comparisons
;; Pops $rhs and $lhs,
;; and pushes result of comparing $lhs to $rhs
(define-lisp-word :cmp ()
(let ((rhs (lifoo-pop))
(lhs (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-push (compare lhs rhs))))
(define-word :eq? () cmp 0 =)
(define-word :neq? () cmp 0 /=)
(define-word :lt? () cmp -1 =)
(define-word :gt? () cmp 1 =)
(define-word :lte? () cmp 1 <)
(define-word :gte? () cmp -1 >))
(define-lifoo-init init-env
;; Pushes copy of env as alist
(define-lisp-word :env (:copy-env? nil)
(lifoo-push (copy-list *lifoo-env*)))
;; Pops $var and returns value
(define-lisp-word :get (:copy-env? nil)
(lifoo-push (lifoo-get (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $val and $var,
;; sets $var's value to $val and pushes $val
(define-lisp-word :set (:copy-env? nil)
(let ((val (lifoo-pop))
(var (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-set var val)
(lifoo-push val)))
(define-lisp-word :rem (:copy-env? nil)
(let* ((var (lifoo-pop))
(val (lifoo-get var)))
(lifoo-rem var)
(lifoo-push val))))
(define-lifoo-init init-flow
;; Pops $cnd and $res;
;; and pushes $res if $cnd, otherwise NIL
(define-lisp-word :when ()
(let ((cnd (lifoo-pop))
(res (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-eval cnd)
(if (lifoo-pop)
(lifoo-eval res)
(lifoo-push nil))))
;; Pops $cnd and $res;
;; and pushes $res unless $cnd, otherwise NIL
(define-word :unless () nil? when)
;; Pops $reps and $body;
;; and repeats $body $reps times,
;; pushing indexes before evaluating body
(define-lisp-word :times ()
(let ((reps (lifoo-pop))
(body (lifoo-parse (lifoo-pop))))
(dotimes (i reps)
(lifoo-push i)
(eval `(progn ,@body)))))
;; Pops $body and loops until $body pushes nil
(define-lisp-word :while ()
(let ((body (lifoo-parse (lifoo-pop))) (res))
(do-while ((progn
(eval `(progn ,@body))
(setf res (lifoo-top)))
(define-lifoo-init init-io
;; Pops $val and prints it
(define-lisp-word :print ()
(princ (lifoo-pop)))
;; Prints line ending
(define-lisp-word :ln ()
(define-lifoo-init init-lists
(define-lisp-ops () cons)
;; Clears stack and pushes previous contents as list
(define-lisp-word :list ()
(let ((lst (stack *lifoo*)))
(setf (stack *lifoo*) nil)
(lifoo-push (nreverse lst))))
;; Pops $list and pushes first element
(define-lisp-word :first ()
(lifoo-push (first (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $list and pushes rest
(define-lisp-word :rest ()
(lifoo-push (rest (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops item from list in $1 and pushes it
(define-lisp-word :pop ()
(let ((it (pop (first (stack *lifoo*)))))
(lifoo-push it)))
;; Pops $it and pushes it on list in $1
(define-lisp-word :push ()
(let ((it (lifoo-pop)))
(push it (first (stack *lifoo*)))))
;; Pops $list and pushes reversed list
(define-lisp-word :reverse ()
(lifoo-push (reverse (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $fn and $lst,
;; and pushes result of mapping $fn over $lst
(define-lisp-word :map ()
(let ((fn (lifoo-compile (lifoo-pop)))
(lst (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-push (mapcar (lambda (it)
(lifoo-push it)
(funcall fn)
(define-lifoo-init init-meta
;; Pops $val and pushes its symbolic representation
(define-lisp-word :symbol ()
(lifoo-push (keyword! (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $val and pushes the word it represents
(define-lisp-word :word ()
(let ((fn (lifoo-word (lifoo-pop))))
(lifoo-push fn)))
;; Pops $val and pushes T if NIL,
;; otherwise NIL
(define-lisp-word :nil? ()
(lifoo-push (null (lifoo-eval (lifoo-pop)))))
;; Pops $expr and pushes function that evaluates $expr as Lisp
(define-lisp-word :lisp ()
(lifoo-push (eval `(lambda () ,(lifoo-pop)))))
;; Pops $expr and pushes result of evaluating
(define-lisp-word :eval ()
(lifoo-push (lifoo-eval (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $expr and pushes compiled word
(define-lisp-word :compile ()
(lifoo-push (lifoo-compile (lifoo-pop))))
;; Enables tracing and clears trace
(define-lisp-word :trace ()
(setf (tracing? *lifoo*) t)
(setf (traces *lifoo*) nil))
;; Disables tracing and prints trace
(define-lisp-word :untrace ()
(dolist (st (reverse (traces *lifoo*)))
(format t "~a~%" st))
(setf (tracing? *lifoo*) nil))
;; Pops $msg and signals error
(define-lisp-word :error ()
(signal 'lifoo-error :message (lifoo-eval (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $cnd and signals error if NIL
(define-lisp-word :assert ()
(let* ((cnd (lifoo-pop))
(ok? (progn (lifoo-eval cnd) (lifoo-pop))))
(unless ok?
(signal 'lifoo-error
:message (format nil "assert failed: ~a" cnd))))))
(define-lifoo-init init-numbers
(define-lisp-ops () + - * / = /= < > cons)
(define-lisp-word :inc ()
(incf (first (stack *lifoo*)))))
(define-lifoo-init init-stack
;; Pushes stack on stack as list
(define-lisp-word :stack ()
(lifoo-push (copy-list (stack *lifoo*))))
;; Pops stack
(define-lisp-word :drop ()
;; Swaps $1 and $2
(define-lisp-word :swap ()
(push (lifoo-pop) (rest (stack *lifoo*))))
;; Pushes $1 on stack
(define-lisp-word :dup ()
(lifoo-push (first (stack *lifoo*)))))
(define-lifoo-init init-strings
;; Pops $val and pushes string representation
(define-lisp-word :string ()
(let ((val (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-push (if (listp val)
(apply #'string! val)
(string! val)))))
;; Pops $args and $fmt,
;; and pushes formatted output
(define-lisp-word :format ()
(let ((args (lifoo-pop))
(fmt (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-push (apply #'format nil fmt args)))))
(define-lifoo-init init-threads
;; Yields processor and re-schedules thread
(define-lisp-word :yield ()
;; Pops $secs and sleeps that many seconds
(define-lisp-word :sleep ()
(sleep (lifoo-pop)))
;; Pops $expr;
;; evaluates it in new thread/exec,
;; and pushes thread
(define-lisp-word :thread ()
(let* ((expr (lifoo-pop))
(exec (make-lifoo :stack (clone (stack *lifoo*))
:words (clone (words *lifoo*))))
(thread (make-thread (lambda ()
(lifoo-eval expr
:exec exec)))))
(lifoo-push thread)))
;; Pops $secs and sleeps that many seconds
(define-lisp-word :join-thread ()
(lifoo-push (join-thread (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $buf-len and pushes new channel
(define-lisp-word :chan ()
(lifoo-push (make-chan :max-length (lifoo-pop))))
;; Pops $msg and puts on channel in $1
(define-lisp-word :chan-put ()
(let ((msg (lifoo-pop)))
(chan-put (first (stack *lifoo*)) msg)))
;; Gets and pushes message from channel in $1
(define-lisp-word :chan-get ()
(let ((msg (chan-get (first (stack *lifoo*)))))
(lifoo-push msg))))
(defvar *lifoo* nil)
(defvar *lifoo-env* nil)
(defmacro define-lisp-word (name
(&key (copy-env? t) exec)&body body)
"Defines new word with NAME in EXEC from Lisp forms in BODY"
`(with-lifoo (:exec (or ,exec *lifoo*))
(lifoo-define ',name (lambda ()
,(if copy-env?
`(with-lifoo-env ()
`(progn ,@body))))))
(defmacro define-lisp-ops ((&key exec) &rest ops)
"Defines new words in EXEC for OPS"
(with-symbols (_lhs _rhs)
`(with-lifoo (:exec (or ,exec *lifoo*))
,@(mapcar (lambda (op)
`(define-lisp-word ,(keyword! op)
(:copy-env? nil)
(let ((,_lhs (lifoo-pop))
(,_rhs (lifoo-pop)))
(lifoo-push (,op ,_lhs ,_rhs)))))
(defmacro define-word (name (&key (copy-env? t) exec) &body body)
"Defines new word with NAME in EXEC from BODY"
`(with-lifoo (:exec (or ,exec *lifoo*))
(lifoo-define ',name
(lifoo-compile '(,@body)
:copy-env? ,copy-env?))))
(defmacro do-lifoo ((&key exec) &body body)
"Runs BODY in EXEC"
`(with-lifoo (:exec (or ,exec *lifoo*
(lifoo-init :exec (make-lifoo))))
(lifoo-eval '(,@body))
(defmacro with-lifoo ((&key exec) &body body)
"Runs body with *LIFOO* bound to EXEC or new"
`(let ((*lifoo* (or ,exec (lifoo-init :exec (make-lifoo)))))
(defmacro with-lifoo-env ((&key env) &body body)
"Runs body with *LIFOO-ENV* bound to ENV or copy"
`(let ((*lifoo-env* (or ,env (copy-list *lifoo-env*))))
(defstruct (lifoo-exec (:conc-name)
(:constructor make-lifoo))
stack traces tracing?
(words (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
(define-condition lifoo-error (simple-error)
((message :initarg :message :reader lifoo-error)))
(defun lifoo-parse (expr &key (exec *lifoo*))
"Parses EXPR and returns code compiled for EXEC"
((rec (ex acc)
(if ex
(let ((e (first ex)))
((consp e)
(rec (rest ex)
(cons `(lifoo-push '(,@e)) acc)))
((null e)
(rec (rest ex)
(cons `(lifoo-push nil) acc)))
((eq e t)
(rec (rest ex) (cons `(lifoo-push t) acc)))
((keywordp e)
(rec (rest ex) (cons `(lifoo-push ,e) acc)))
((symbolp e)
(let ((found? (or (lifoo-word e)
(error "missing word: ~a" e))))
(rec (rest ex)
(when (tracing? ,exec)
(push (format nil "CALL ~a" ',e)
(traces ,exec)))
(funcall ,found?))
((functionp e)
(rec (rest ex)
(cons `(funcall ,e) acc)))
(rec (rest ex) (cons `(lifoo-push ,e) acc)))))
(nreverse acc))))
(with-lifoo (:exec exec)
(rec (list! expr) nil))))
(defun lifoo-read (&key (in *standard-input*))
(let ((more?) (expr))
(do-while ((setf more? (read in nil)))
(push more? expr))
(nreverse expr)))
(defun lifoo-eval (expr &key (copy-env? t) (exec *lifoo*))
"Returns result of parsing and evaluating EXPR in EXEC"
(with-lifoo (:exec exec)
(let ((pe (lifoo-parse expr)))
(eval (if copy-env?
`(with-lifoo-env ()
`(progn ,@pe))))))
(defun lifoo-compile (expr &key (copy-env? t) (exec *lifoo*))
"Returns result of parsing and compiling EXPR in EXEC"
(eval (if copy-env?
`(lambda ()
(with-lifoo-env ()
,@(lifoo-parse expr :exec exec)))
`(lambda ()
,@(lifoo-parse expr :exec exec)))))
(defun lifoo-define (id fn &key (exec *lifoo*))
"Defines word named ID in EXEC as FN"
(setf (gethash (keyword! id) (words exec)) fn))
(defun lifoo-undefine (id &key (exec *lifoo*))
"Undefines word named ID in EXEC"
(remhash (keyword! id) (words exec)))
(defun lifoo-word (id &key (exec *lifoo*))
"Returns word named ID from EXEC or NIL if missing"
(gethash (keyword! id) (words exec)))
(defun lifoo-push (expr &key (exec *lifoo*))
"Pushes EXPR onto EXEC's stack"
(push expr (stack exec))
(when (tracing? exec)
(push (format nil "PUSH ~a~%~a" expr (stack exec))
(traces exec)))
(defun lifoo-pop (&key (exec *lifoo*))
"Pops EXPR from EXEC's stack"
(when (stack exec)
(let ((val (pop (stack exec))))
(when (tracing? exec)
(push (format nil "POP ~a~%~a" val (stack exec))
(traces exec)))
(defun lifoo-top (&key (exec *lifoo*))
"Returns top of EXEC's stack"
(first (stack exec)))
(defun lifoo-stack (&key (exec *lifoo*))
"Returns current stack for EXEC"
(stack exec))
(defun lifoo-trace (&key (exec *lifoo*))
"Enables tracing for EXEC"
(setf (tracing? exec) t)
(setf (traces exec) nil))
(defun lifoo-untrace (&key (exec *lifoo*))
"Disables tracing for EXEC"
(setf (tracing? exec) nil)
(traces exec))
(defun lifoo-get (var)
"Returns value of VAR in EXEC"
(rest (assoc var *lifoo-env* :test #'eq)))
(defun lifoo-set (var val)
"Sets value of VAR in EXEC to VAL"
(let ((found? (assoc var *lifoo-env* :test #'eq)))
(if found?
(rplacd found? val)
(setf *lifoo-env* (acons var val *lifoo-env*))))
(defun lifoo-rem (var)
"Returns value of VAR in EXEC"
(setf *lifoo-env*
(delete var *lifoo-env* :key #'first :test #'eq)))
Building a basic REPL is trivial given above implementation.
(defun lifoo-repl (&key (exec (lifoo-init :exec (make-lifoo)))
(in *standard-input*)
(prompt "Lifoo>")
(out *standard-output*))
"Starts a REPL for EXEC"
(with-lifoo (:exec exec)
(with-lifoo-env ()
(format out "~%~a " prompt)
(when-let (line (read-line in nil))
(unless (string= "" line)
(with-input-from-string (in line)
(lifoo-eval (lifoo-read :in in) :copy-env? nil)
(format out "~a~%" (lifoo-pop)))
(go start)))))))
CL-USER> (lifoo:lifoo-repl)
Lifoo> "hello Lifoo!" print ln
hello Lifoo!
Stack tracing takes on a whole new meaning in Forth, Lifoo offers integrated tracing to help untangle messy stacks.
CL-USER> (lifoo:lifoo-repl)
Lifoo> trace
Lifoo> 1 2 +
Lifoo> untrace
(2 1)
You may find more in the same spirit here and here, and a full implementation of this idea and more here.
peace, out