I have written a textbook for the SSC 335/394 “Introduction to Scientific and Technical Computing” course at UT. This book contains both theory and practical tutorials. This book is released under a CC-BY license, thanks to a gift from the Saylor Foundation.
Printed copies are for sale from lulu.com
The source and pdf of the book (as well as lecture slides) can be found in this repository:
(I’m also starting to write a book about parallel programming)
Table of contents:
- Single processor computer architecture
- Parallel computer architecture
- Computer arithmetic
- Numerical treatment of differential equations
- Numerical linear algebra
- High performance linear algebra
- Combinatorics
- Tutorials on LaTeX, Unix, Compilers, Make, Source code control
Experimental html version. Parallel programming book html version.
Kudos for the book: “this is a monumental achievement” [Cray Inc], “This is an excellent, expertly crafted, highly readable book that is the best snapshot of the state of HPC that I have seen in many years.” [Intel Corp], “comprehensive overview of high performance computing that excellently balances theory and application” [Simulation Consultant]. "superb, a bible for sci.computing" [University of Tennessee]
This book is listed as textbooks or recommended reading by the following:
- Gordon College, CPS371
- University of Bath, CM30225
- University of Liege, INFO 0939 (official textbook)
- University of Maryland, AMSC/CMSC 662 (official textbook)
- Illinois Institute of Technology, CS595
- ETH / Swiss National Supercomputer Center
- University of Notre Dame, ACMS60212/40212
- Technische Universitat Munchen, Informatics V
- University of Tennessee, Knoxville: CS 594-4, M578
- University of Texas at El Paso, CPS 5401 (textbook)
- Computation Institute, University of Chicago
- Purdue University, CS 50100
- University of New South Wales, Math3101/Math5305
- University of Connecticut, Physics 2200
- University of Tartu, Scientific Computing MTAT.08.010
- NYU school of medicine, HPC in biomedical (required reading)
- Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, IMT2112 (textbook)
(image: Victor teaching a short course at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. If you want Victor to teach at your institution, contact him by the link below.)
@Book{Eijkhout:IHPSClulu,Title = {Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing},
Author = {{Victor Eijkhout with Robert van de Geijn and Edmond Chow}},
Publisher = {lulu.com},
Year = {2011},
Note = {\url{http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/~eijkhout/istc/istc.html}},
Abstract = {\url{http://www.lulu.com/shop/victor-eijkhout/introduction-to-high-performance-scientific-computing/paperback/product-18783375.html}, also downloadable from \url{http://tinyurl.com/EijkhoutHPC}},
ISBN = {978-1-257-99254-6},