Integrate Multiple Services With Just One API
CloudRail is an API integration solution which abstracts multiple APIs from different providers into a single and universal interface.
Current Interfaces:
Full documentation can be found at our wiki
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With CloudRail, you can easily integrate external APIs into your application. CloudRail is an abstracted interface that takes several services and then gives a developer-friendly API that uses common functions between all providers. This means that, for example, upload() works in exactly the same way for Dropbox as it does for Google Drive, OneDrive, and other Cloud Storage Services, and getEmail() works similarly the same way across all social networks.
Current Interfaces:
Interface | Included Services |
Cloud Storage | Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Box, Egnyte, OneDrive Business, Google Cloud Platform |
Business Cloud Storage | AmazonS3, Microsoft Azure, Rackspace, Backblaze |
Social Profiles | Facebook, GitHub, Google+, LinkedIn, Slack, Twitter, Windows Live, Yahoo, Instagram, Heroku |
Social Interaction | Facebook, FacebookPage, Twitter |
Payment | PayPal, Stripe |
Maljet, Sendgrid | |
SMS | Twilio, Nexmo |
Point of Interest | Google Places, Foursquare, Yelp |
Cloud Storage Interface:
- Dropbox
- Box
- Google Drive
- Microsoft OneDrive
- Egnyte
- OneDrive Business
- Download files from Cloud Storage.
- Upload files to Cloud Storage.
- Get Meta Data of files, folders and perform all standard operations (copy, move, etc) with them.
- Retrieve user and quota information.
- Generate share links for files and folders.
Code Sample
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// CloudStorage cs = new Box(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");// CloudStorage cs = new OneDrive(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");// CloudStorage cs = new GoogleDrive(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");CloudStorage cs =newDropbox(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {
cs.createFolder("/TestFolder");InputStream stream =null;try {
stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("Data.csv");long size =newFile(getClass().getResource("Data.csv").toURI()).length();
cs.upload("/TestFolder/Data.csv", stream, size, false);
} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle error
} finally {// TODO: close stream
Business Cloud Storage Interface:
- Amazon S3
- Microsoft Azure
- Rackspace
- Backblaze
- Google Cloud Platform
- Create, delete and list buckets
- Upload files
- Download files
- List files in a bucket and delete files
- Get file metadata (last modified, size, etc.)
Code Sample
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// BusinessCloudStorage cs = new MicrosoftAzure(null, "[accountName]", "[accessKey]");// BusinessCloudStorage cs = new Rackspace(null, "[username]", "[apiKey]", "[region]");// BusinessCloudStorage cs = new Backblaze(null, "[accountId]", "[appKey]");// BusinessCloudStorage cs = new GoogleCloudPlatform(null, "[clientEmail]", "[privateKey]", "[projectId]");BusinessCloudStorage cs =newAmazonS3(null, "[accessKeyId]", "[secretAccessKey]", "[region]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {Bucket bucket cs.createBucket("testbucket");InputStream stream =null;try {
stream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("Data.csv");long size =newFile(getClass().getResource("Data.csv").toURI()).length();
cs.uploadFile(bucket, "Data.csv", stream, size, false);
} catch (Exception e) {// TODO: handle error
} finally {// TODO: close stream
Social Media Profiles Interface:
- Github
- Google Plus
- Slack
- Windows Live
- Yahoo
- Herouku
- Get profile information, including full names, emails, genders, date of birth, and locales.
- Retrieve profile pictures.
- Login using the Social Network.
Code Sample
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// final Profile profile = new GooglePlus(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");// final Profile profile = new GitHub(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");// final Profile profile = new Slack(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");// final Profile profile = new Instagram(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");// ...finalProfile profile =newFacebook(redirectReceiver, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {String fullName = profile.getFullName();String email = profile.getEmail();// ...
Social Media Interaction Interface:
- FacebookPage
- Get a list of connections.
- Make a post for the user.
Code Example:
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// final Social social = new Twitter(this, "[clientID]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]");// final Social social = new Facebook(this, "[pageName]", "[clientID]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");finalSocial social =newFacebook(this, "[clientID]", "[clientSecret]", "[redirectUri]", "[state]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {
social.postUpdate("Hey there! I'm using CloudRail.");List<String> connections = social.getConnections();// ...
Payment Interface:
Features Interface
- Perform charges
- Refund previously made charges
- Manage subscriptions
Code Sample
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// final Payment payment = new Stripe(null, "[secretKey]");finalPayment payment =newPayPal(null, true, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {CreditCard source =newCreditCard(null, 6L, 2021L, "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "visa", "<FirstName>", "<LastName>", null);Charge charge = payment.createCharge(500L, "USD", source);
Email Interface:
Code Sample
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// final Email email = new Mailjet(null, "[clientID]", "[clientSecret]");finalEmail email =newSendgrid(null, "[username]", "[password]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {
email.sendEmail("", "CloudRail", Arrays.asList("", ""), "Welcome", "Hello from CloudRail", null, null, null);
SMS Interface:
Code Sample
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// final SMS sms = new Nexmo(null, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]");finalSMS sms =newTwilio(null, "[clientIdentifier]", "[clientSecret]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {
sms.sendSMS("CloudRail", "+4912345678", "Hello from CloudRail");
Points of Interest Interface:
- Google Places
- Foursquare
- Yelp
- Get a list of POIs nearby
- Filter by categories or search term
Code Example
CloudRail.setAppKey("[CloudRail License Key]");// final PointsOfInteres poi = new Foursquare(null, "[clientID]", "[clientSecret]");// final PointsOfInteres poi = new Yelp(null, "[consumerKey]", "[consumerSecret]", "[token]", "[tokenSecret]");finalPointsOfInteres poi =newGooglePlaces(null, "[apiKey]");newThread() {@Overridepublicvoidrun() {List<POI> res = poi.getNearbyPOIs(49.4557091, 8.5279138, 1000L, "restaurant", null);System.out.println("POIs: "+ res.toString());
More interfaces are coming soon.
Advantages of Using CloudRail
Consistent Interfaces: As functions work the same across all services, you can perform tasks between services simply.
Easy Authentication: CloudRail includes easy ways to authenticate, to remove one of the biggest hassles of coding for external APIs.
Switch services instantly: One line of code is needed to set up the service you are using. Changing which service is as simple as changing the name to the one you wish to use.
Simple Documentation: There is no searching around Stack Overflow for the answer. The CloudRail documentation at is regularly updated, clean, and simple to use.
No Maintenance Times: The CloudRail Libraries are updated when a provider changes their API.
Direct Data: Everything happens directly in the Library. No data ever passes a CloudRail server.
You can find the dependency for the latest version on Maven Central
Sample Applications
If you don't know how to start or just want to have a look at how to use our SDK in a real use case, we created a few sample application which you can try out:
- Sample using the CloudStorage interface: File Viewer
- Sample using the Payment and the SMS interface: Payment SMS
License Key
CloudRail provides a developer portal which offers usage insights for the SDKs and allows you to generate license keys.
It's free to sign up and generate a key.
Head over to
CloudRail is free to use as long as your app is free as well. Learn more about our pricing on
Other Platforms
CloudRail is also available for other platforms like iOS and Android. You can find all libraries on
Get in touch at any time by emailing us:
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