Fun, fashion & science in the Internet's #1 website about shoelaces. Whether you want to learn to lace shoes, tie shoelaces, stop shoelaces from coming undone, calculate shoelace lengths or even repair aglets, Ian's Shoelace Site has the answer!
You can find out more about this site, or you can dive right in below.
Table of Contents
Are all of your shoes, sneakers and boots still laced up the way they were when you bought them? This section presents some of the many fascinating ways of lacing, either for different functions or just for appearances.
Most people learn how to tie their shoelaces around the age of five. Why then would anyone older than that visit a website about tying shoelaces? Whether you're a parent, teacher, occupational therapist, academic, knot enthusiast, or just after some self-help, there's something for you.
Do your shoelace bows sit vertically instead of across the shoe? Do your shoelaces always come undone? If so, you're probably tying an un-balanced "Granny Knot", and one simple change to your technique will result in a balanced knot that sits straight and stays secure.
The rhetorical question: "How long is a piece of string?" is a serious question when it comes to shoelaces. Too long and the ends can drag or get stepped on. Too short and it can be difficult to tie a knot. This section should help you work out the ideal shoelace length.
Many people search for shoelace "tips" or "ends" because they want to know the name of the plastic or metal bits at the ends of shoelaces. They're called "Aglets", and you can find out more about them here, including how to repair or replace them.
This section contains all sorts of tips, hints and ideas about shoelaces. There's tips for teaching children, tips for sportspeople, tips for the elderly and disabled, plus general tips for everyone.
Looking to buy shoelaces or related items? Ian's Shoelace Site doesn't yet have a web store, but in the marketplace you'll find selected merchants of shoelaces, accessories, gadgets, books (including my own book), as well as my iPhone app, "Ian's Laces".
Ever noticed a group of people wearing the same color shoelaces? They're most likely part of a charity fundraiser or awareness campaign. Find out what the different colors represent, or better still, show your support by buying some shoelaces.
You'll find the answers to Frequently Asked Questions here, mainly for the benefit of people typing those questions into search engines. It's also worth looking here before you send me a question for which I've already posted an answer.
Shoelaces are common, useful items that are very much a part of our lives. Here's some "As Seen In..." moments where shoelaces make noteworthy appearances in movies, TV shows, the news, even the Bible.
Here's some links to other shoelace and knot related websites. Providing links is good "Netiquette", enabling the Internet to effectively become its own index.
What's New?
10-Jan-2017– Last month I was interviewed for "The Stuph File", the podcast of which is now available.
15-Dec-2016– Recently-invented lacing method that features permanently-anchored loose ends plus a "captive" Starting Knot, which saves having to re-tie that first knot each time.
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Shoe Lacing Photo of the Week
Black Allen Edmonds Rogues with black Hash Lacing (from Ian H).
Perfect solitary hashes on these dress shoes with four eyelet pairs.