This package provides an essential feature to LaTeX that has been missing for too long. It adds a coffee stain to your documents. A lot of time can be saved by printing stains directly on the page rather than adding it manually.
coffee.pdf– This is an example of all included stains and also the documentation of the package.
coffee.tar.gz– This archive contains all files including the documentation (you probably want to download this).
coffee.sty– This is the actual package which contains everything including the images.
coffee.tex– This is the source code of the example file.
Update (23 November 2010):
coffee2.sty– This is an improved version that works with pdflatex. Thanks to Evan Sultanik!
Update (24 March 2011):
coffee3.tar.gz– This is another improved version that works with pdflatex. It allows you to scale, rotate and change the transparency of any coffee stain. Thanks to Professor Luis Randez!
Update (25 May 2012):
coffee4.tar.gz– Adrian Robson sent me this improved version. He writes: “I find I rarely manage to put my coffee mug down exacly in the middle of my papers.
So I have amended coffee3.sty to support off centre coffee stains.”