Pascal/Delphi Before there was an internet of lightbulbs and smoke detectors, there was an internet of industrial process things. And they used windows 2000 and Delphi. They still do. |
Hence why I consider a big error to have created the CLR in first place. Now we kind of got .NET Native, but it still isn't 100% done. |
I learned to program with Delphi and this was 2.5 years ago, since then I've been actively working with. My only problem is that I have to maintain legacy codebases without OOP code. |
I do scientific computing in academia. Secretly, it's just fortran all the way down, and LaTeX for document preparation. Piled on top of that is a fair amount of matlab, simulink, and python. |
uses PHP and JS Those aren't old enough to count, I guess googles age of PHP Holy crap! PHP is almost 23 years old. Probably still not considered "old" though... |
I've just being doing some work in B (C's predecessor). I suspect I may have the only B compiler in the world for the VideoCore IV processor. |
Perl 5, of course! It's an awesome language and both the language and the ecosystem is getting better and better all the time |
What's old? Anyway, I'll be using: Ruby, age 21. Web development, some text processing scripts. Design started on February 24, 1993 first release on December 21, 1995. [1] Python, age 25, almost 26. Web development. Implementation started in December 1989. First release on February 1991. [2] JavaScript, age 21. Web development. Designed and released in May 1995. [3] However if Ruby and Python are clearly the same languages they were 20+ years ago plus the natural evolutions, I don't know if the JavaScript we're using today has anything more that a resemblance with what it was back in 1995. After all we say we're using bash (Bourne Again SHell, it couldn't be more explicit) and not sh, speaking of which: Bash, age 27. Scripting. Coding started on January 10, 1988 and released on June 8, 1989 [4] If we count the Bourne shell, that is from 1977 (age 39), coding started in 1976 [5] Erlang, age 28. First prototypes running in 1988, work on BEAM started in 1992, in production as we know it in 1998 [6] Actually I'll be using Elixir for backend coding. Sometimes all what an Elixir module does is calling Erlang modules so it's handy to code that directly in Erlang. The Elixir compiler handles compiling and linking Erlang well. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Considering that PHP, Java, C++, Perl are also in their 20s (and Objective-C is 30+), should we really call them old languages or old should that be reserved to something dating back to the 70s or the 60s? (C, COBOL, Fortran). |
Fortran, COBOL. Though I don't consider Fortran "old" as it has many shiny features. |
Amazon, Facebook, WhatsApp and a lot of companies use Erlang. It's not only used in telecom even though it was made by Ericsson. EDIT: Removed the "naive" part. |
IBM's High-Level Assembler and JCL mostly. I develop mainframe software. | is a thing. Also, there is Lazarus which seems to be the FreePascal-alternative to Delphi. I took a look at it when inheriting a Delphi application at work, but it crashed on me a lot. Still, it's there. |
ActionScript 3 purpose: sysadmin, automation, server-side programming, daemon, shell / interactive shell, command-line tools etc. well ... it's not that old (cerca 2006) but it is considered dead LOL |
Believe it or not, I actually deal with Progress too. I feel your pain. :-D |
Common Lisp for all of my hobby programming. Edit: Well not all of it. I'm also learning rust and scheme in my free time. |
6502 assembly. I just enjoy cracking old Apple ][ games in my spare time, it's an incredibly rewarding challenge. |
For some historical reference: Generics came with C# 2.0 in November 2005 (12 years old) LINQ came with C# 3.0 in November 2007 (9 years old) |
Powerbuilder!!!! We have a bunch of mission critical desktop application that run on Powerbuilder. |
Old programming languages don't die, they just slowly fade away. The oldest thing I periodically touch is VBA for Excel |
- bash - Python (esp. Django, which is for some reason uncool) I also have this weird desire to jump back into C, just to refresh myself. |
I have been using it professionally for 5+ years as a full-time employee at various companies. Some big-name ones, some smaller start-up ones. The mean Lisp team size has been around 4, but I did work on a project of 15 Lisp programmers. None of these projects were legacy code. Some were in places you wouldn't expect (embedded, multi-processor systems on custom-designed boards, for example). In every single case, we had no additional trouble hiring a Lisp or Lisp-capable programmer as compared to hiring for any other language, including Python. (In fact, Python was more difficult to hire for because the market is saturated with beginners who claim expertise.)
Lisp is one of those languages where the ratio of long-term benefits and productivity vs. good initial impressions is at a record high. It doesn't look like C or Python or JS, with all the parentheses, so people brush it off.
Lisp isn't the pinnacle of every great idea to come about in computer science and software engineering, but it is one of the most robust, macroscopically well designed, and most productive languages for translating arbitrary abstract ideas into maintainable, production code. Even if it doesn't look initially very pretty in the eyes of a career Python programmer.