A Tale of Combinators and Macros
1. Recursion
Recursion is the core of Elixir and Erlang code. But it is missing from anonymous functions.
iex(9)> sum = fn [] -> 0; [h|t] -> h + sum.(t) end
** (CompileError) iex:9: undefined function sum/0
(stdlib) lists.erl:1353: :lists.mapfoldl/3
(stdlib) lists.erl:1354: :lists.mapfoldl/3
Why? In a match expression the right hand side is evaluated first, then matched to the left.
So the variable sum
has not yet been assigned a value when fn [] -> 0; [h|t] -> h + sum.(t) end
is evaluated.
2. Erlang R17
Recursive anonymous functions were added to Erlang in R17. Elixir solved the match problem by including a name in the right hand side of the match expression.
From Joe Armstrong's Announcement:
F=funFact(0) -> 1; Fact(N) -> N*Fact(N-1) end.
But elixir core team has not yet finalized if or how they will include the same functionality.
But there's no need to wait; using macros we can extend elixir syntax (almost) however we'd like.
3. Combinators
Mathematicians and computer scientists have solved the problem of implementing recursion: the fixed-point combinator
I am not a mathematician or a computer scientist but thanks to The Little Schemer I know a bit about combinators anyway. And fortunatly others have already written some in elixir. Here is a Y combinator, and here is a Z combinator
I will use the z combinator from exyz
as a template. exyz
is available on hex. It looks like this:
combinator =fn(x) ->
f.(fn(y) -> x.(x).(y) end)end
And works like this:
factorial =Exyz.z_combinator fn(f) ->fn
(1) ->1
(n) -> n * f.(n -1)endend
factorial.(5) ==120
Beautiful. But it is limited: it can only handle functions with an arity of 1.
(This is not really a limitation. Using a list or tuple argument is natural and easy. But I wanted to try and improve it anyway)
4. Plan
I want to build a macro that can handle all functions, regardless of arity. This is the syntax I want:
f = rfn count, fn
(_, [], c) -> c
(x, [x|t], c) -> count.(x, t, c +1)
(x, [_|t], c) -> count.(x, t, c)end
f.(:a, [:a, :b, :b, :a], 0) ==2
I will be building off of the Z combinator in exyz
combinator =fn(x) ->
f.(fn(y) -> x.(x).(y) end)end
After staring at it for a half hour I determined I'd need to change all occurrences
of y
to y0, y1 ... yN
where N == arity(f)
5. Quote
Lets take a look at the abstract syntax tree of an fn
iex>quotedofn(a, b) ->:okendend
{:fn, [], [{:->, [], [[{:a, [], Elixir}, {:b, [], Elixir}], :ok]}]}
I can see where args a
and b
are. So I'll need 3 functions. On to count the number of
args in a fn
, one to generate n args, and one to create an abstract syntax tree with those args.
Generating args is simple. We can use Macro.var/2
defgen_args(0, args), do: argsdefgen_args(n, args) do
n_args(n -1, [Macro.var(:"arg_#{n -1}", __MODULE__) | args])end
Testing it out:
iex> args = gen_args(2, [])
[{:arg0, [], Rfn}, {:arg1, [], Rfn}]
iex> ast =quotedofnunquote(args) ->:okendend
{:fn, [], [{:->, [], [[[{:arg0, [], Rfn}, {:arg1, [], Rfn}]], :ok]}]}
iex>Macro.to_string(ast)"fn [arg0, arg1] -> :ok end"
That didn't quite work. Instead of a fn
with arity 2, I generated a function with
arity 1 that matched against a 2 element list.
So here's where I get a bit tricky. While I would never use this in production, nothing is preventing me from hand-rolling an abstract syntax tree.
defpfn_ast(vars, meta, body) do
{:fn, meta, [{:->, meta, [vars, body]}]}end
Testing it out:
iex> args = gen_args(2, [])
[{:arg0, [], Rfn}, {:arg1, [], Rfn}]
iex> ast = fn_ast(args, [], :ok)
{:fn, [], [{:->, [], [[{:arg0, [], Rfn}, {:arg1, [], Rfn}], :ok]}]}
iex>Macro.to_string(ast)"fn arg0, arg1 -> :ok end"
Much better.
Finally a function to count the number of args. Reverse the fn_ast
code above and tweak it a bit.
defpnum_args({:->, _, [args|_body]}) do
5. Putting it together
Now we have a way to genereate a fn
with arity n
we can improve the z combinator from before to handle fn
s of any arity!
defmacro rfn(var, {:fn, meta, [c|_clauses]} = f) do
n = num_args(c)
args = gen_args(n, [])
namedf =quotedofn (unquote(var)) ->unquote(f) endend
combinator_fun = combinator_ast(namedf, args, meta)quotedo
combinator =unquote(combinator_fun)
combinator.(combinator)endenddefpcombinator_ast(namedf, args, meta) do
xvar =Macro.var(:x, __MODULE__)# fn (args...) -> xvar.(xvar).(args...) end
inner = fn_ast(args, {
{ :., meta,
[ { {:., meta, [xvar]}, meta,
[xvar] } ] },
meta, args }, meta )# fn (xvar) -> var.(inner) endquotedofnunquote(xvar) ->unquote(namedf).(unquote(inner)) endendend
testing it out:
iex> f = rfn count, fn...> (_, [], c) -> c...> (x, [x|t], c) -> count.(x, t, c +1)...> (x, [_|t], c) -> count.(x, t, c)...>end#Function<18.54118792/3 in :erl_eval.expr/5>
iex> f.(:a, [:a, :b, :b, :a], 0) ==2true
It works!
6. Caution
Macros are hard. Even harder is manipulation the elixir abstract syntax tree. There is no guarentee the ast will not change in different environments and different platforms. I already know many situations where the code given here will fail. For example it does not handle guard clauses.
I've already found and fixed a few limitations not covered in the code given above. Look at the source on github for more details and some working code. But I won't be publishing this to hex because I don't want anyone using it for anything important.
Feel free to hit me up with quetions, comments or ways the code could be imporved. In particular I'm wondering if there is a way to achieve what fn_ast
does using quote
and unquote