I didn't make C, Crystal, NodeJS and Golang benchmarks (and much more I didn't post) just for fun : I'm finishing Nectar, a native cross-platform compiler for javascript/ECMAscript.
Javascript is everywhere : browser, server, IoT. NodeJS is fast, and slow. Fast, because it's a way faster than Python or Ruby, orhers interpreted languages. Slow, because compared to C, Crystal or Go, it's slow. There are a lot of advantages to truely compile javascript :
- Speed (development && execution)
- Size
- Efficiency
- Ecology
- No need for Obfuscation
- Web Assembly (wasm)
- Fast coding and Fast execution
- IoT
- And much more ...
A lot of ECMAscript 5 is currently supported : functions, variables, objects, arrays, standards functions/properties (typeof, .length, .toString()). I'm making a solid basis for the compiler be fast and secure.
For example, this is currently supported :
var a = 10;
console.log(a); // print '10'
a = "a string";
console.log(a); // print 'a string'
a = 10.01231;
console.log(a); // print '10.01231'
var human = { fname: "John", name: "Doe", age: 10, type: "human"};
var robot = { name: "Bot", type:"robot", battery:90};
console.log(human.fname) // print 'John'
var nestedArray = [0,"b",2,"d",["e","f",7],["i"]];
console.log(nestedArray[0]); // print '0'
console.log(nestedArray[4][1]) // print 'f'
callit(human); // print 'Hey Doe'
callit(robot); // print 'Hey Bot'
// definition of the function after the call
function callit(obj)
console.log("Hey " + obj.name);
Nectar currently support all platforms. It has been tested on Windows, Mac, Linux, x86, x64 and ARM. Executables size is low (for the example above < 10 ko). And Nectar is fast, really, really fast. Benchmarks are coming soon.
The better part is the cross compilation : it's possible to compile JS with Nectar from a supported platform to any other supported platform. We successfully compiled a "helloworld.js" from a Raspberry pi3 to a Windows 7 x86, a Windows 10 x64, and a Linux x64.