to your pupils are historical insights and mathe-
matical insights. (Furinghetti, 1997, p. 56)
I am convinced that, as Furinghetti indicates, a
good knowledge of the history of mathematics may
foster pedagogical creativity for integrating history
into mathematical activities.
A panel discussion, “On the Role of the History of
Mathematics in Mathematics Education,” at the
second International Conference on the Teaching of
Mathematics (ICTM-2), held on Crete in July 2002
addressed the role of the history of mathematics in
education. Following the panel’s reports, an Ameri-
can mathematics educator raised a critical ques-
tion: “Is there any evidence showing that including
the history of mathematics is effective in the teach-
ing of mathematics?” Answering this question is
difficult for anyone who advocates the importance
of including history in the mathematics curriculum.
We have to clarify one critical conception before
answering this question. Namely, what is meant by
“effective in the teaching of mathematics”? If it
means improving students’ performance on stan-
dardized examinations, my attitude would be
reserved. To my best knowledge, no empirical study
indicates that learning the history of mathematics
helps students perform better on traditional tests.
Although studying the history of mathematics may
improve students’ attitudes toward mathematics,
the linkage between attitude and achievement is
neither linear nor straightforward.
Yet if effectiveness means developing students’
views of thinking and further improving their
learning behavior, I am convinced that including the
history of mathematics in the curriculum can help.
After experiencing a problem-based course that
used a historical approach, many Taiwanese students
were likely to hold active views about mathematical
thinking and were able to demonstrate multiple
approaches to problems (Liu 2002). Particularly,
when learning about “peculiar” methods used by
ancient mathematicians, those students better
appreciated the role of imagination in problem solv-
ing, and some students were more willing to think
and try the problems. After seeing Archimedes’
derivation of the area of a circle, one of my students,
who had initially emphasized the deductive nature
of mathematics, reconsidered his view:
I consider imagination more important [than log-
ical thinking] because of Archimedes. I feel he is
so strange. He derived the volume of a sphere by
means of a lever. . . . How did he think of it?
Plus, he transformed a circle into a triangle. I
feel his imagination is quite strange.
That response is typical of those of students in
my class. Nevertheless, the empirical evidence
accumulated thus far is insufficient for us to con-
clude what history can or cannot do for teachers
and students. The International Study Group on
the Relations between History and Pedagogy of
Mathematics (HPM) is attempting to delineate a
role for the history of mathematics to play in school
teaching. With cooperation between researchers
and teachers, we hope that a clear picture of that
role can be drawn in the near future.
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