Today is officially the last day of Due to a loss of funding from our parent company, First Look Media, we’re suspending operations today and ending our employment there. Tomorrow, will go silent – no more Daily Digests, no live tweeting of breaking news, no social media coverage of human rights violations and conflicts from around the world.
But what’s gone tomorrow might yet be reborn in the not-to-distant future – with a little bit of luck.
Thanks to the outpouring of support we received when we announced our imminent shutdown earlier this month, we’re having conversations with a number of entities we might partner with in order to continue our mission of covering global human rights and social justice. There’s no guarantee this will happen, but our team has committed to exploring every opportunity to keep working together. We’re a tight-knit bunch that’s almost like family, and the thought of us going our separate ways without giving it a shot would be full of regret.
For now, we’re going to catch our breath, stretch our legs and think about what we want to be if it gets the chance to grow up. Then we’re going to do whatever we can to find a good home for us, so we can continue to serve the online communities that have been so supportive of us for the last 20 months. It may not pan out, but at least we’ll be able to hold our heads high and say that we tried.
To everyone who’s been supportive of, we thank you. If any of you happen to be in Denver next month for the annual Online News Association conference, our entire team will be there. Come say hello if you get a chance.
So long for now – we hope to see you soon. Until then, we’ll still be hanging out on Twitter. Drop us a line some time – we’d love to hear from you.
Take care, everyone.
Andy Carvin (@acarvin), Washington DC
Kim Bui (@kimbui) and Wendy Carrillo (@wendycarrillo), Los Angeles
Asteris Masouras (@asteris), Thessaloniki, Greece
Marina Petrillo (@alaskaHQ), Milan, Italy
You can also follow us on this handy Twitter list.