Looking for ANTLR v3?
The latest version of ANTLR is 4.6, released December 15, 2016. As of 4.6, we have a Java, C#, JavaScript, Python2, Python3, C++, Swift, and Go targets (and alternate C# target).
All users should download the ANTLR tool itself and then choose a runtime target below, unless you are using Java which is built into the tool jar.
See Release Notes, README.md, Getting started, Sample grammars written in v4, and How to build ANTLR itself.
Development Tools
There are plug-ins for Intellij, NetBeans, and Eclipse.
ANTLR tool and Java Target
The Java jars are OSGi compatible so you should be able to use them within Eclipse.
To use maven, refer to group ID org.antlr and artifact ID antlr4 for the tool itself and antlr4-runtime for the Java runtime library in your pom.xml file. The latest version is 4.6. See ANTLR 4 Maven plugin, ANTLR 4 Maven plug-in usage, and ANTLR 4 Maven Plugin API.
ANTLR v4 is written in ANTLR v3.5.2 and StringTemplate 4.0.8. In antlr-4.6-complete.jar, you'll find everything you need to run the ANTLR tool and make its generated parsers work.
C# Target
Download and unzip the .dll in antlr-csharp-runtime-4.5.3.zip. Sam Harwell, co-author of ANTLR 4, has an Alternative ANTLR 4 C# Target.
Python Targets
Install with:
pip install antlr4-python2-runtime
pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
Or, you can download and untar the appropriate package from:
The runtimes are provided in the form of source code, so no additional installation is required.
See Python runtime targets for more information.