Atom 1.12 has shipped today with another helping of fixes and improvements.
International Keyboard Support
New APIs available in Chrome 52 allowed us to take on this long-requested feature. The new APIs turned out to be less important than we originally thought but we’re nonetheless happy to report Atom users in all locales now get typical keyboard behavior in Atom’s default installation.
Electron 1.3
Thanks to some amazing work by community maintainer @thomasjo, Atom comes out of the Electron dark ages in this release with an update to 1.3.6, bringing Chrome 52 along for the ride.
Keybinding Usability
The scope specificity rules for keybindings were understandably confusing lots of Atom users. This release has a major simplification such that user-defined keybindings take precedence.
Windows Fixes
There are a number of tweaks specific to Atom on Windows, including:
Don’t forget to check out all the other improvements shipping with this version in the release notes!
Atom 1.13 Beta
Atom Benchmarks
In our continuous mission to improve Atom’s performance, 1.13 introduces benchmarks to better quantify improvements or regressions.
Shadow DOM Removal
This release marks the end of Atom’s failed experiment using the Shadow DOM as a way to isolate the editor from unintended CSS. We’ll have an in-depth post about this soon.
New Octicons
A new version of the Octicons is now bundled in Atom with improvements to line-weight and sizing normalization. In addition 20 new icons are available.
Keystroke Resolver API
To help address the long tail of unusual international keyboard behaviors as interpreted by Chrome, particularly on Linux, Atom 1.13 includes a custom keystroke resolver API allowing users to assign Chrome keyboard events to Atom-style keystrokes.
Usability Improvements
Performance Boosters
As ever, you can find all the gory details in the full release notes.
Get all these improvements today by joining the Atom Beta Channel!
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